Saturday, July 19, 2008

Car Wash in Las Vegas!

Did you ever looked for information about car wash in Las Vegas?, if you are new and looking around for a good place to get your car vacuumed or washed and cleaned, it can be difficult to find a place of your choice by driving around, good some home work. Here this website with such a great information about car wash.

July 19, 2008

Car Wash Reviews and Product Guide:

If you own a car then I bet you have been to a car wash at least once in your life. Maybe you prefer to wash your car yourself at home in your driveway? Whatever your preference is when it comes to washing your car just remember that a clean car is always going to help keep your resale value up. I know that all men dream of going to a bikini car wash, a topless car wash, or some other type of sexy car wash (with nude women), but unless you live in Las Vegas you should eliminate these ideas from your mind. Hooters restaurant though has been known to have a bikini car wash and sometimes a charity event (or school function) will host a bikini car wash to raise money. The reality is that by washing, waxing, and detailing your car every month, you will not only look better on the road but you will also help keep up the resale value of your vehicle. Some cities have harsh climates like Las Vegas (with 100 degree days) and Baltimore(with snowy winters) that can wreak havoc on a cars' exterior and moving parts. The biggest thing that takes a beating on any car is the paint job, although with the proper care most cars can stay looking new for years. When I was a kid washing a car was more of a personal experience because back then most people washed their cars at home in the driveway - yeah believe it or not people used to wash their own cars. My dad actually used to pay me $5 to wash his Nova and $10 for our family station wagon due to its ridiculous size. The latest number I heard was that there are 150 million automobiles on the roads in America and that 60% pay to have their cars washed. If you own an older car I highly recommend that you have your engine steam cleaned to help keep your motor running at peak performance. Over the years gunk, debris, and oil can build up on your engine which utimately can cause some serious problems. A good professional steam cleaning will cost you about $80, but if you can find a mobile service you will save some cash.

Read this site further, there is lots of information on car wash